Trace Path Part II

Trace Path Part II

Whether with mountains or with walls, people try to keep people inside or outside a certain area. My on-going project Trace Path explores this impulse and its consequences. More and more border fortifications are being built. What do we expect from borders? The project includes drawings of current and former borders, along with sculptural elements. Components of border fortifications made out of readily available building materials (concrete, steel, sand) are placed in different spaces. The constructions will confront and get in the way of the viewer. I will explore the rivers that flow across a border, and particularly the path of the Panke River in Berlin. A guided workshop along the Panke River to activate this research is planned. Large drawings of geographic landforms dialogue with small passport photo sized drawings of the border area. The work incorporates drawings, building materials, and actions to dismantle and question the concept of borders.