48 Hours Neukölln install finished
For updates follow me on twitter @kikatroika and the hashtag is #48hNK or #48hNk or #48hnk. see you this weekend.
Here is my statement on the Rubble Series:
Artist Statement
The Rubble Series began while hiking on Teufelsberg and coming across a piece of rubble that had emerged from the ground. Further research indicated that several “rubble mountains” exist in Germany, built with the huge amounts of rubble left behind after World War II. Considering the question: what happens to rubble? I began the drawings as an investigation into what remains after a building or structure has been destroyed. A home, which contains individualized details and artifacts, or a shop that one frequents daily, are instantly anonymized by the effect of bombing. Pieces of rubble become indistinguishable from former whole: what could have been the wall or the roof or the floor is a generic shard.
By severely pixelating and reducing the original image, I’m indicating the digital provenance of the source image: this is a copy of a copy of a copy. I am not a firsthand witness to a bombing, and the grainy quality of the reproduction reflects the physical and psychological distance.
Lastly, I am considering what “commodity” value does rubble have? Alleged “pieces” of the Berlin Wall are sold as souvenirs, so a symbol of division and oppression becomes a trinket to be purchased. What, if anything, can be made of or built with the irregular bricks and debris left behind?
- Rubble Series: Iraq, 2014, graphite on paper, concrete rubble